We empower people with tools to resolve differences quickly, peacefully and respectfully. 

A black and white speech bubble with three dots on it.

Mediation is a voluntary process that offers a safe place for people with disagreements . Ninety six percent of our clients recommend mediation as a conflict resolution tool.

We offer conflict resolution training and workshops to individuals, teams and workplaces. Join us for our training sessions or learn about tailored training for your organization. Want to become a mediator? This is the place for you.

YOUR MEDIATION SESSION is an opportunity for your voice to be heard

Request Mediation

Sign up for Basic Mediation Training in 2025

Take the First Step Towards Becoming a Peacemaker

Sessions are offered four times per year

Equity & Access Initiative Goals


Expand our entire community’s access to resolution and justice.

Finances should not be a barrier to mediation. Your investment will ensure all who need dispute resolution have access regardless of their ability to fully fund the cost of mediation.


Build a diverse mediator corps to reflect the people we serve.

Imagine the impact of mediators, trainers and facilitators who more closely represent the people accessing CDR's services. 


Create equitable pathways to mediation and facilitation training.

We must increase the number of people who develop the skills needed to facilitate peaceful dialog. 


Ensure conflict resolution services in our community for the next 25 years.

Fulfill our community's need for social justice and equity innovation for many years to come.

Upcoming Trainings and Events

Learning mediation skills can improve your communication with your co-workers, family, friends and community. Take our Basic Mediation Training and start your path toward more peaceful conversations.

Heart. Wisdom. Courage.

The journey to resolution requires all three. Join us for an enchanting and engaging evening as we Follow the Yellow Brick Road to Resolution.

🌟 Learn practical ways to navigate conflict.
Hear real stories of how mediation works.

🌟 Enjoy a relaxed space to learn and connect.

Wednesday, April 30 | 3:30 - 7 PM 
717 Tacoma Ave. So., Tacoma 
Free and open to all—bring a friend! 

RSVP Today!
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