Jennifer Unger (she/her)

Associate Director

Year joined: 2011

Q: What inspires you to be a Center for Dialog & Resolution Team Member?

A: The fact that I get to work with an engaging diverse fun group of people who all are

committed to improving our communities through resolving conflicts – one person and

one conversation at a time.

Q: How does mediation, group facilitation, and training at the Center for Dialog &

Resolution help people in Pierce County and beyond?

A: We are all born problem solvers. “tell me your problem and I’ll tell you how to fix it”. But we often haven’t honed the skills of being good problem listeners and problem thought partners. CDR helps you strengthen these communication skills to navigate the human side of problem solving without blame, fear, or righteous indignation.

Q: If you were an animal, which one would you be and why?

A: Gotta go with the pūteketeke because of its stellar parenting skills and adorable

feathered crest. Can’t be wrong about the “Bird of the Century”, right?

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